Multiplication and division - Make equal groups sharing - Planning

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make equal groups sharing - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 1 summer term lesson on multiplication and division, the focus is on making equal groups through sharing. The lesson introduces young learners to the concept of division as an act of sharing objects into equal groups, reinforcing their understanding of equality and the distribution of totals. To begin, a small step starter activity asks the children to recall what they know about creating equal groups using a set of cubes. Resources such as counters, playdough, and whiteboards are provided, along with differentiated worksheets and teaching slides to support the learning process.

During the class, practical activities play a crucial role, with children using tangible items like counters, cubes, or even food items to practice sharing into equal portions. The lesson includes interactive slides that guide the children through sharing exercises, such as dividing 12 'muffins' between two trays and discussing the outcome. Key questions prompt the children to think about the differences between sharing and grouping, the equality of shared groups, and what happens when objects cannot be divided equally. To consolidate learning, the plenary addresses potential misconceptions, such as the confusion between grouping and sharing, and ensures that children understand the concept of equal distribution. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where children articulate what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, making a promise to remember the day's key points. Differentiated outcomes cater to varying levels of understanding, from arranging information in rows and columns to completing repeated addition sentences and drawing arrays.

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