Multiplication and division - Make equal groups - Planning

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make equal groups - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 summer lesson on multiplication, students delve into the concept of making equal groups, a key step in understanding multiplication. The National Curriculum objective for this week is to solve one-step problems involving multiplication. To facilitate learning, the lesson incorporates a variety of resources including a presentation, dice, counters, blocks, and plates. The vocabulary for this lesson is centred around the terms 'equal', 'the same as', 'symbol', 'equal groups', and 'unequal groups', with vocabulary cards and definitions available as additional support.

The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, questioning what the children know about the term 'equal' and the symbol used to represent it. The class discusses the equation 3 = 3 and uses visual aids such as a bundle of straws to explore the concept of equality. Following this, the children engage in hands-on activities, such as using their fingers to create equal groups and using dice to investigate equal and unequal groups, reinforcing their understanding through practical experience. They are encouraged to think critically about how to make groups equal by either adding or subtracting objects. Throughout the lesson, key questions prompt students to articulate their understanding of equal and unequal groups and how to manipulate them. The lesson aims to address common misconceptions and ensure that students can recognise and create equal groups, with differentiated outcomes for those working towards expected standards and those achieving greater depth.

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