Weight and volume - Introducing capacity and volume 2 - Starter

Year 1
Weight and volume - Introducing capacity and volume 2 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focusing on capacity and volume, students are introduced to the concept through engaging and interactive activities. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, which is designed to refresh students' subtraction skills with simple calculations such as '16 – 13' and 'Nineteen – half of eighteen', providing a quick numerical warm-up. This supports their mathematical fluency and prepares them for the day's learning objective, which is set in the context of the Spring Term, Week 11, Day 2.

The core of the lesson involves practical understanding of volume and capacity. Students are encouraged to observe different sets of items and use descriptive phrases like "full", "empty", "almost full", and "nearly empty" to articulate the volume of the containers they see. By doing so, they learn to quantify and compare volumes in a tangible way. Additionally, the lesson includes a comparative exercise where students determine the tallest person between Malachi and Zach, further developing their ability to compare and contrast using real-life examples. This hands-on approach to learning about volume helps students to grasp the concept in a way that is both fun and educational.

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