Weight and volume - Introduce weights and mass 2 - Planning

Year 1
Weight and volume - Introduce weights and mass 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the first week of Spring, Year 1 students embark on a journey to understand the concepts of weight and mass. The lesson begins with an engaging starter that prompts students to recall any previous knowledge they might have about heavy and light objects. The class then moves on to a hands-on experience where children hold different items and use descriptive words like 'heavy', 'light', 'heavier than', and 'lighter than'. The practical element is further enhanced by the use of balances and a variety of objects that the children will compare in weight. As part of the independent learning, differentiated worksheets are provided to help them visualize and better grasp the concept of mass by comparing two objects using balances.

Throughout the lesson, partner work and full-sentence discussions are encouraged to deepen understanding. The teaching slides guide the class through various scenarios involving balances, prompting questions about what the positions of the scales indicate regarding the mass of the objects they hold. Practical activities involve comparing objects and making statements about their relative weight, while also considering logical approaches to determining the heaviest item. Critical thinking is fostered through problem-solving exercises where children must question their assumptions, such as the misconception that larger objects are always heavier. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' session, where children articulate what they've learned, the skills they've used and found challenging, and the takeaways they promise to remember. Worksheets for different levels of understanding ensure that all students can engage with the material, from simply identifying the heavier object to comparing minimal differences in mass between multiple items.

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