Length and height - Measure length - Worksheet

Year 1
Length and height - Measure length - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet focuses on the concept of measuring length and height using non-standard units like cubes, hands, and straws. It emphasizes the importance of using units of equal length and aligning them precisely with the object being measured, without leaving any gaps, to ensure accurate measurement. The exercises encourage children to count non-standard units that are less than 10 and to measure objects they have at their disposal. The tasks are designed to enhance the students' understanding of measurement through hands-on activities and to develop their reasoning skills by solving problems related to length and height.

Further exercises in the worksheet direct students to engage with fluency and precision in measurement. They are asked to fill in the blanks with the length of various objects, such as pencils and glue sticks, measured in non-standard units like cubes and counters. The worksheet also prompts children to consider what other items can be measured using these non-standard units, fostering creativity and practical application of the skills they learn. Additionally, the worksheet provides opportunities for estimation, asking students to guess the length of objects before measuring them, thereby integrating estimation with the concept of measurement. Answers are provided for some tasks to enable self-assessment and to clarify misunderstandings, such as the incorrect lining up of measuring units or the use of units of differing sizes.

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