Length and height - Measure length - Presentation

Year 1
Length and height - Measure length - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the educational resource "Measure Length (1)" from the Fluency & Reasoning Teaching Slides, students are introduced to the concept of measuring length and height using non-standard units, such as cubes. The lesson prompts students to consider the importance of measuring objects in a straight line and encourages discussion around this fundamental principle of measurement. The activities are designed to engage students in hands-on learning, where they use cubes to measure various objects within the classroom, recording their findings in sentences. This practical approach helps students to grasp the concept of measurement and its application in everyday scenarios.

As the lesson progresses, students are further challenged to measure the height of people using suitable equipment, such as sticks, metre sticks, or measuring tapes, providing them with a real-world context for their learning. They are asked to compare lengths of different objects, like a maths book and a lunch box, or a table and a blackboard, to understand which is longer and to reinforce the importance of accurate measurement. Reasoning activities encourage critical thinking, asking students to verify statements about the height of objects and the equality of lengths measured with different units. Independent work tasks extend this learning, prompting students to measure objects with various non-standard units and to explain their reasoning, fostering a deeper understanding of measurement concepts.

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