Length and height - Measure length - Planning

Year 1
Length and height - Measure length - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the first week of Spring term for Year 1, students embark on a journey to understand the concepts of length and height through hands-on activities. The lesson focuses on using non-standard units like cubes, hands, and straws to measure various items. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes 'measure' and 'non-standard unit,' with resources such as differentiated worksheets and teaching slides provided to support the learning process. Students start by recapping the importance of aligning non-standard units precisely with the objects they're measuring to ensure accuracy. They then engage in group work, discussing and measuring items with their chosen units, and recording the number of units used. This practical approach helps them visually comprehend the length of objects and the differences between them.

The lesson also includes reasoning and problem-solving exercises where students compare the lengths of items measured in cubes, such as a paintbrush, crayon, and pencil, to determine which is the longest or shortest by counting the units. This encourages critical thinking and verbal expression as they explain their reasoning. Throughout the lesson, key questions prompt students to think about the suitability of different measuring tools for various tasks and the importance of measuring in a straight line. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges faced. The differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from counting units less than ten to estimating lengths, ensuring that each child can progress at their own pace while grasping the concept of measuring using non-standard units.

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