Place Value within 50 - One more one less - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 1 Spring term lesson focusing on Place Value within 50, students will engage in activities designed to help them understand and work with numbers up to 50. The National Curriculum objectives covered include counting forwards and backwards starting from any number, reading and writing numbers to 50 in numerals, and identifying one more or one less than a given number. The lesson also emphasises identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations, such as number lines, and introduces vocabulary such as 'group', 'tens', 'ones', 'more than', 'less than', and others related to comparison and representation of numbers.
The lesson is structured to be practical and interactive, with children using ten frames and base 10 equipment to explore the concepts of adding one to or subtracting one from a number. They will be tasked with activities like finding one more than 46, using resources to aid their understanding. Differentiated worksheets provide independent fluency and reasoning exercises, while key questions prompt critical thinking about the changes in digits when counting one more or one less. The lesson plan acknowledges common misconceptions, such as confusing tens and ones or the order of digits, and provides strategies to overcome these. The plenary includes a 'Give me five' reflective activity, encouraging children to consider what they've learned, the skills they've used or found challenging, and the support that helped them during the lesson.