Addition and subtraction within 20 - Add by counting on - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 20 - Add by counting on - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet focuses on the fundamental mathematical skill of addition within the numerical range of 20. Specifically, it's designed to help young learners master the technique of 'counting on', which is an essential strategy for efficient mental addition. The worksheet presents a series of addition problems that require students to start with one number and then count forward to find the sum. This method is particularly useful for reinforcing number sense and for helping students to visualize the concept of adding quantities together.

Students are encouraged to engage with the worksheet by starting with the larger number in the addition equation and then counting up from there, adding the smaller number to it. This approach can be more effective than starting from the smallest number and counting all the way up, as it minimizes the number of counts and reduces the potential for error. The worksheet is likely to include a variety of problems that allow students to practice this skill, with the goal of building both speed and accuracy in their addition within the number range of 20.

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