Addition and subtraction within 20 - Add by counting on - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 20 - Add by counting on - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the early stages of learning mathematics, Year 1 students are introduced to addition and subtraction within the number range of 20. A typical starter activity might involve a simple scenario to contextualize addition: for instance, there are four children on a bus, and two more children board. The children are then asked to calculate the total number of children on the bus now, using counters if necessary to aid their understanding. This exercise helps them to grasp the concept of counting on, as they start with four and add two more to find out that there are six children on the bus in total. The equation presented is 4 + ____ = 6, where they fill in the blank with the number two.

Another key skill practised is comparing and ordering numbers. Students are asked to arrange given numbers in ascending order, identifying the smallest and greatest from a set. For example, they might be given the numbers 2, 7, and 18, and they would then place these in order from least to greatest. Additionally, they engage in exercises where they compare numbers using the greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=) signs. An example provided is to compare the number nine with the word 'eight', determining which is larger. Such activities not only reinforce their understanding of numerical value but also integrate literacy skills by having them recognize numerical words. Moreover, students are introduced to simple equations that involve both addition and doubling, such as "Double 3 + 12", and they learn to calculate these to find the correct sum.

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