Place Value within 20 - Order groups of objects - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The "Order Groups of Objects" worksheet is a practical tool designed to help Year 6 students develop their understanding of place value within 20. The National Curriculum objectives covered in this lesson include counting to and across 20, both forwards and backwards, from any given number, reading and writing numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words, and identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations. The lesson also focuses on using comparative language such as 'equal to', 'more than', 'less than (fewer)', 'most', and 'least'. To support the learning process, resources such as differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete equipment are utilized, alongside key vocabulary terms like 'order', 'groups', 'numbers', 'methods', 'largest', and 'smallest'.
Students begin by ordering groups of objects up to 10 and then extend this skill to groups of objects up to 20. It is crucial for them to revisit and reinforce their understanding of numbers below 10 before progressing. The worksheet is tailored to accommodate different learning levels, with one and two-star challenges directing students to order three groups of numbers as a precursor to ordering three abstract numbers in subsequent lessons. The importance of sharing various methods is highlighted to expose students to efficient strategies for ordering. The worksheet prompts students to consider questions about the ordering process, the relative sizes of groups, and the effects of reordering numbers. For those at different stages of learning, the worksheet provides a range of tasks, from drawing simple pictures to count, to working with images representing numbers as tens and ones, and ultimately ordering five groups of images that represent numerical values.