Place Value within 20 - Tens and ones ten frame - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
The educational resource focuses on place value within 20, specifically on understanding tens and ones using ten frames and part-whole models. In lessons three and four, students are encouraged to explore the concept of place value by comparing the value of one ten to ten ones. Through a series of activities, they are tasked with identifying numbers that contain the 'teen' sound and using part-whole models to break down numbers into tens and ones. For instance, the number 13 is broken down into one ten and three ones, and students are asked to complete sentences that reinforce this understanding of place value. The activities are designed to help students visualise and articulate the composition of numbers up to 20.
Further activities within the lessons include filling in ten frames with counters to represent numbers like 14 and 19, enhancing students' comprehension of how a number is made up of tens and ones. Reasoning exercises challenge students to find different ways to represent numbers up to 20 using Base 10 equipment, and to identify and correct mistakes in part-whole models, such as in the example where a student mistakenly represents the number 15 as five tens and one one. Independent work sections prompt students to complete tens frames and part-whole models, and to write calculations that represent numbers in tens and ones. Discussion slides pose questions about the characteristics of numbers with the 'teen' suffix, the comparative value of tens and ones, and the efficiency of counting in tens rather than ones.