Geometry Shape - Patterns with 3D and 2D shapes 2 - Worksheet

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Patterns with 3D and 2D shapes 2 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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This worksheet, titled "Fluency & Precision 1: Patterns with 2D and 3D Shapes," challenges students to identify and continue patterns using a variety of geometric shapes. The task requires pupils to observe the given patterns and determine which three-dimensional shapes have been used to create them. Once the 3D shapes are identified, students are instructed to circle these shapes to demonstrate their understanding. The worksheet provides a selection of 3D shapes such as cuboids, cylinders, cones, cubes, spheres, and pyramids, from which the students can choose to continue the patterns.

The exercise not only tests the students' ability to recognize and extend patterns but also reinforces their knowledge of 3D shapes and their properties. For each pattern, there is space provided for students to write down the next shape or shapes they would need to continue the sequence. Additionally, the worksheet includes an answer key, which reveals the correct continuation of the patterns. For example, for one of the patterns, the next shapes needed could be a cuboid, a cube, or a square-based pyramid. In another instance, the answers provided include a cone, a cuboid, and a cube, indicating the sequence required to maintain the pattern's consistency.

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