Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The instructional material provided focuses on teaching young learners the concept of subtraction within the number range of 10. The primary aim is to help children understand and apply subtraction by taking away, aligning with the National Curriculum objectives to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero. The resources promote the use of number bonds, subtraction facts within 20, and the ability to interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction, and equals signs. The exercises are designed to enhance problem-solving skills and address one-step problems, including missing number scenarios.

For effective learning, the lesson utilises a variety of tools, including differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and practical items such as part-whole models, cubes, and counters. Key vocabulary such as 'add', 'subtract', 'number bonds', 'counting on', 'missing parts', 'part-whole', 'value', and 'number sentence' is emphasised to build a strong foundation in mathematical language. The children are encouraged to use their number bond knowledge to find missing parts by counting on from a given part to the whole, understanding the role of zero in these calculations. The worksheets guide students through creating subtraction stories using pictorial prompts and completing sentences that reflect their understanding of the part-whole relationship in subtraction. For those ready for more challenging tasks, reasoning and problem-solving exercises are included, prompting learners to match part-whole models with stories and explore various possible outcomes in subtraction scenarios.

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