Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding two groups of objects - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding two groups of objects - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focusing on addition and subtraction within 10, young learners are introduced to the concept of adding two groups of objects. The lesson starts with a "Fluent in Four" revision exercise where each child is provided with 10 counters to use as a practical aid for calculation. The activities are designed to be engaging and interactive, helping the children to visualise and understand the process of combining two sets of numbers to find the total or 'whole'.

One of the tasks involves a story-like scenario where a hedgehog has 7 apples, and the children must determine which bag belongs to him by performing a subtraction calculation. In another activity, they are presented with two boxes labelled A and B, each containing a certain number of objects. The students must add the parts together to find out which box has the most items. By arranging their counters to represent the numbers in the problem, the children can physically combine the groups to reach the answer, thereby reinforcing their understanding of basic addition and subtraction through hands-on learning.

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