Addition and subtraction within 10 - Count back - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Count back - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and educational slides, students are introduced to the concept of subtraction by counting back within the range of 10. The lesson begins with an interactive question, prompting students to practice counting backwards from 20, establishing a foundational skill for the upcoming activities. The main objective of the lesson is to enable students to subtract numbers accurately by using the count back method. This technique is crucial for developing their mental arithmetic skills and understanding of basic subtraction.

Throughout the lesson, students engage in a variety of activities designed to reinforce their ability to count back. They are presented with a number line from 0 to 10 and asked to identify the number that precedes 6, as well as to solve simple subtraction problems such as 7 minus 3 and 4 minus 4. Further exercises include matching calculations with the same answers using the number line and exploring different subtraction sentences that result in the same number. The lesson concludes with a reasoning game where students race to reach the number 1 on a number line by rolling a dice and subtracting the rolled number, encouraging strategic thinking and application of the count back method.

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