Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and interactive slides, students are introduced to the concept of subtraction through the theme of 'Taking Away'. The lesson begins with a simple question to the class: what happens when we take something away? This prompts students to consider whether we are left with more or fewer items after something has been taken away. Using everyday scenarios, such as birds in a tree and apples being eaten, students are encouraged to complete sentences to demonstrate their understanding of subtraction. The slides present visual aids and part-whole models to support the learning process, ensuring that students grasp the concept that taking away leads to a smaller number.

As the lesson progresses, students are invited to delve deeper into subtraction with reasoning activities. They are asked to think critically about different situations, such as frogs jumping off a lily pad or cakes being eaten, and to determine the initial number of items before some were taken away. These exercises challenge students to explain their reasoning and to explore various possible answers. Independent work tasks further reinforce the subtraction concept, inviting students to complete subtraction stories, match part-whole models to representations, and solve problems. The lesson is designed to build foundational mathematical skills in a fun and relatable way, encouraging students to engage with the material and apply their knowledge to real-life contexts.

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