Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding two groups of objects - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Adding two groups of objects - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a vibrant and interactive presentation, young learners are introduced to the concept of addition by combining two groups of objects. The lesson is structured to encourage children to use the addition symbol and to think of alternative words that convey the same meaning as 'addition'. The teaching slides prompt students to discuss and explore the idea of 'parts' and 'wholes', using simple numerical examples such as combining 2 and 5 to find the total. Visual aids like the part-whole model and ten frames are used to represent these concepts, providing a clear and engaging way for children to grasp the basic principles of addition.

The presentation includes a series of activities where students apply their understanding of addition in various contexts. For instance, they calculate the total number of cars by adding together different coloured cars, thereby practising addition in a real-world scenario. The slides guide the children through a step-by-step process, demonstrating how to fill in the blanks in a part-whole model and how to create number sentences that represent the addition taking place. To deepen their understanding, the children are also challenged with reasoning tasks where they explore different combinations to reach a total, and they are encouraged to explain their thinking processes. This interactive approach not only reinforces their arithmetic skills but also builds their reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

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