Addition and subtraction within 10 - Fact families addition - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Fact families addition - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging lesson on fact families with a focus on addition, students are introduced to the concept through a series of activities designed to deepen their understanding of number relationships. The lesson begins with a discussion on synonyms for addition, encouraging students to explore the language of mathematics. Following this, the class examines how numbers can be rearranged in different ways to show the same sum, using visual aids such as the part-whole model. This model is a cornerstone of the lesson, helping students to visualise and fill in missing numbers to complete a set of related addition sentences, thereby reinforcing the idea of fact families.

As the lesson progresses, students are challenged with activities that ask them to identify which numbers represent parts and which represent the whole within a given set. They also explore the position of the equals sign, learning that it doesn't always have to be at the end of a number sentence. Through hands-on activities, such as using number cards to create four related addition sentences, students discover the flexibility of numbers within fact families. The lesson encourages critical thinking by asking students to discuss and prove whether four addition sentences can still be written when two of the numbers are the same, and whether parts and wholes can change places. This interactive approach to learning about addition and fact families aims to build a solid foundation in mathematical reasoning and fluency.

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