Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Taking away - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Year 1's Autumn term, the fourth week of addition and subtraction focuses on the concept of 'Taking Away'. The National Curriculum objectives for this period include understanding number bonds within 10, reading and writing mathematical statements with addition and subtraction symbols, and solving simple one-step problems using practical and visual aids. The key vocabulary features terms like 'part', 'whole', 'addition', 'subtraction', and 'number sentence', which are crucial for grasping the foundational elements of arithmetic. Resources such as differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, number tracks, and manipulatives like cubes and counters aid in the teaching process. The lesson begins with a starter activity that uses a number track to help children visualise counting on from one number to another, reinforcing their understanding of subtraction as 'taking away'.

The class is then engaged in activities that contextualise subtraction in everyday scenarios, such as cars leaving a carpark or sweets being eaten, to help them understand the concept of 'how many left'. Worksheets support the creation of subtraction stories, avoiding the use of the subtraction symbol initially to focus on the language and concept of subtraction. Partner work encourages discussion and the use of full sentences to explain reasoning. As the lesson advances, children are challenged with reasoning and problem-solving tasks presented in a different order than expected, prompting them to think critically about the stories they create and the part-whole relationships they illustrate. The session ends with a reflection activity where children articulate what they have learned, the skills they used, and any challenges they faced, ensuring they remember the key points of the lesson. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth in creating subtraction stories.

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