Place value within 10 - Sorting - Planning

Year 1
Place value within 10 - Sorting - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The first week of Year 1 Autumn term maths planning introduces young learners to the concept of place value within 10, with a particular focus on sorting objects. The National Curriculum objectives for this unit include the ability to count to ten in both directions, starting from any number, and to recognise and write numbers up to ten in both numerals and words. The lesson is rich with key vocabulary such as 'digit', 'sort', 'numeral', and 'compare', which are intended to help children understand and describe the sorting process. A variety of resources are provided to facilitate learning, including differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and practical objects like counters and cubes. The lesson begins with a starter activity to recap previous learning, followed by class teaching input that encourages children to sort objects into groups based on shared characteristics. This is reinforced through partner work and independent activities, where children are prompted to explain their sorting criteria and explore different ways to group objects.

Differentiated worksheets are used for independent learning, allowing children to apply the sorting skills at various levels of complexity. Key questions are posed to encourage critical thinking about the sorting process, such as exploring the criteria used for grouping objects and considering the number of possible groups. The lesson aims to address common misconceptions, such as the confusion between describing group contents and the sorting criteria itself. To consolidate their understanding, children engage in a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where they consider what they have learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges they faced. The activities are scaled to cater to different learning stages, from 'Working Towards' where children are given preset groups to sort, to 'Greater Depth' where they are challenged with more complex grouping scenarios. This structured approach ensures that each child can progress at their own pace while building a solid foundation in understanding place value within 10.

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