Subtracting Mixed Numbers - PowerPoint

Year 6
Subtracting Mixed Numbers - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this set of Maths teaching resources designed for Year 6 students, the focus is on the subtraction of mixed numbers, a vital skill within the fractions section of the curriculum. The resources aim to teach students several methods to tackle this task effectively. Initially, students are reminded what mixed numbers and improper fractions are, with examples provided for each. A mixed number combines a whole number with a fraction, such as one and three-quarters, while an improper fraction has a numerator larger than the denominator, like seven quarters. The resources then guide students through the process of converting mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa, an essential step for understanding subtraction of mixed numbers.

Three primary methods are presented for subtracting mixed numbers. The first involves subtracting the whole numbers and fractions separately, an approach that works well when the fractional parts of the mixed numbers have a common denominator. The second method teaches students how to exchange a whole number for an equivalent fraction when the fractional part of the first mixed number is smaller than the second, enabling them to perform the subtraction. The third method involves converting mixed numbers into improper fractions before carrying out the subtraction. Each method is explained with step-by-step instructions and visual bar models to aid comprehension. Students are encouraged to practise these methods through a variety of exercises and word problems, with worksheets available to consolidate their learning.

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