Fractions on a Number Line - PowerPoint

Year 6
Fractions on a Number Line - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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Fractions on a Number Line is an educational resource aimed at Year 6 students to enhance their understanding of fractions within the context of a number line. The material focuses on several key learning objectives: counting in fractions using a number line, ordering fractions, and drawing intervals on a number line for precise placement of fractions. Students are encouraged to consider the value of intervals between whole numbers, such as recognising that a line halfway between 0 and 1 represents a value of ½. Through interactive tasks, they are tasked with positioning specific fractions on a number line and determining the correct placement of these fractions to ensure accuracy.

The resource guides students through the process of subdividing number lines into equal parts to represent fractions such as halves, quarters, eighths, and tenths. It emphasises the importance of measuring spaces between numbers and introduces methods for calculating other fractions by creating the appropriate number of intervals. Additionally, the material includes exercises for labelling intervals on number lines, placing fractions in their simplest form, and finding equivalent fractions. Worksheets complement the learning experience, offering opportunities for students to apply their knowledge by completing number lines, labelling them with simplified fractions, and identifying the largest and smallest fractions. Through these activities, students develop a deeper comprehension of fractions and their representation on number lines.

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