Dividing Fractions by Integers - PowerPoint
Maths Resource Description
In the Year 6 mathematics curriculum, students progress to learn how to divide fractions by integers. The key learning objectives are twofold: first, to understand how to divide fractions by integers when the numerator is a multiple of the integer, and second, when the numerator is not a multiple of the integer. An integer is simply a whole number, and this foundational knowledge is essential for tackling the division of fractions. The teaching resources include engaging activities such as using bar models to visually represent the division process, which aids in the calculation of the fraction each person receives when a quantity, like a pizza or cake, is shared.
When approaching division calculations, a pattern emerges that helps simplify the process. The division of the numerator by the integer is the primary operation, while the denominator remains unchanged. This is because the size of the fraction, or the number of equal parts the whole is divided into, does not alter. For instance, when a pizza cut into twelve slices is shared among three people, each person receives a third of the nine available slices, or three slices each. The teaching resources also guide students through solving division questions by drawing diagrams and using equivalent fractions to facilitate understanding. This method ensures that students can divide fractions by integers even when the numerator isn't a multiple of the divisor, by converting to an equivalent fraction where the numerator is divisible by the integer.