Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
This maths teaching resource provides a structured worksheet for students to learn about comparing and ordering fractions. The worksheet begins with an exercise that requires students to convert fractions to a common denominator and then arrange them from the smallest to the largest. This foundational task helps students understand the relative sizes of different fractions and prepares them for more complex comparisons.
The second part of the worksheet presents a series of fraction pairs for students to compare using the greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) signs. This comparison exercise enhances their ability to evaluate and understand the magnitude of fractions in relation to one another. The final, more engaging section of the worksheet involves a practical scenario where Dolly must choose the largest piece of cake based on given fraction sizes of different flavours. Students use their understanding of fractions to advise Dolly on her choice, making the learning process interactive and fun. The worksheet includes answers, allowing students to check their work and understand where they might have made mistakes.