Multiplication - PowerPoint

Year 6
Multiplication - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In this comprehensive lesson aimed at Year 6 pupils, the objective is to master the skill of multiplying multi-digit numbers by a 2-digit number using the formal written method of long multiplication. The lesson begins with a review of various multiplication methods, including mental calculations, times table knowledge, concrete or pictorial representations, and the grid method. Students are encouraged to discuss these methods with their partners, reinforcing their understanding and ability to choose the appropriate technique for different problems. The lesson then delves into the specifics of long multiplication, emphasizing the importance of place value and the correct positioning of digits when multiplying by the tens digit.

Students are provided with clear examples of how to perform long multiplication, with step-by-step instructions on how to arrange the numbers, the significance of adding a zero when multiplying by ten, and how to add the resulting figures to find the final product. They are then given the opportunity to apply this knowledge through a series of practice problems, ranging from calculating the number of raisins needed for a bake sale to solving true or false statements and finding missing numbers in equations. The lesson concludes with a worksheet that challenges students to solve multi-digit multiplication problems, encouraging them to double-check their answers and consider the place value of each digit. This structured approach ensures that students develop both fluency and reasoning skills in tackling multiplication challenges.

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