Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Worksheet

Year 5
Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with Exchanges Revision - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

This worksheet is designed to help students revise their skills in subtracting 4-digit numbers, including those that require exchanging. The first section presents a series of subtraction problems such as 8,567 minus 1,435, where students are required to calculate the difference and fill in the blanks. The exercises are crafted to not only test the students' ability to subtract large numbers but also to understand and apply the concept of exchanging when the digits in the minuend are smaller than those in the subtrahend.

Further activities on the worksheet include real-life applications of subtraction, such as calculating the number of pieces of litter collected by two friends on the beach, with one collecting 1,263 pieces less than the other. Additionally, students are engaged with a problem involving football fans, where they must figure out the number of children present by subtracting the number of adults from the total attendance. To deepen their understanding, students are also tasked with spotting mistakes in given calculations, finding missing digits, and completing bar models. The worksheet is interactive and challenges students to apply their knowledge to a variety of scenarios, ensuring they grasp the concept of subtracting 4-digit numbers with exchanges thoroughly.

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