Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems - Worksheet

Year 5
Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problems Worksheet is a mathematics resource designed to challenge students with a series of arithmetic puzzles. For instance, one problem presents a scenario where a person thinks of a number, adds 674, subtracts 201, and ends up with 3,489. The task is to determine the original number. Another problem involves calculating the number of bananas left for monkeys in a zoo after a series of additions and subtractions throughout the day. Each problem requires students to apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction in multiple steps to arrive at the solution.

Further exercises on the worksheet include a scenario involving the number of attendees at a football match, where students must figure out the difference in numbers between adults and children. Another task involves Emily's running steps, where students calculate how many more steps she took over the weekend compared to Friday. The worksheet also presents problems that involve finding two numbers based on their sum and difference, encouraging the use of bar models as visual aids. These problems are designed to enhance students' problem-solving skills and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts related to addition and subtraction.

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