Units of Volume and Capacity - PowerPoint

Year 3
Units of Volume and Capacity - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive set of resources aimed at Year 3 pupils, the concept of volume and capacity is explored through interactive PowerPoint presentations and worksheets. The teaching materials clarify the difference between capacity, which is the maximum amount a container can hold, and volume, which is the actual amount of space occupied by a substance within a container. Examples provided include everyday items such as jars, cartons, baths, and cups to illustrate capacity, while volume is exemplified by the amount of water in a jug. Pupils are taught to measure, compare, add, and subtract these units using practical examples.

The units of measurement for volume and capacity are introduced as litres (l) and millilitres (ml), with the concept that there are 1000 millilitres in 1 litre being emphasised. Students learn to use these units in various contexts, such as measuring the volume in a measuring jug, and to understand how to convert between litres and millilitres for accurate calculations. The resources include worksheets that challenge pupils to measure volumes, compare capacities, and perform addition and subtraction of volumes, all while converting between mixed units and millilitres to ensure a solid grasp of the concepts. Through these activities, students gain a practical understanding of volume and capacity, essential skills for real-life applications.

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