Translations - PowerPoint

Year 4
Translations - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a Geometry lesson tailored for Year 4 students, the primary learning objective is to understand and describe the movement of a shape known as a 'translation'. This concept is fundamental in understanding how shapes can move within a space. A translation occurs when a shape slides from one point to another without flipping or rotating. The lesson utilises interactive methods, prompting students to click on certain parts of the presentation to learn more about what constitutes a translation and to reveal answers to set problems.

The lesson includes practical exercises where students are asked to observe different shapes and determine whether they have been translated or not. They are encouraged to circle the correct answer, thereby engaging with the material and reinforcing their learning. Additionally, students are taught how to describe a translation by stating the number of squares a shape has moved horizontally (left or right) and vertically (up or down). For example, they might describe a triangle that has been translated as moving 4 squares to the right and 2 squares up. The lesson is supported by worksheets that further challenge the students to identify translations and describe them accurately, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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