Angles - PowerPoint

Year 4
Angles - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Year 4 maths, students are introduced to the concept of angles as a measure of turn, which is quantified in degrees, denoted by the symbol °. The lesson aims to help students recognise and differentiate between various types of angles by size. They learn that angles are not just abstract measurements but are related to the amount of turn from a starting point. For example, a right angle represents a quarter turn and is exactly 90°. Students will also discover that a complete turn is 360°, a half turn is 180°, and a three-quarter turn is 270°.

Angles are categorised by their size: an acute angle is less than 90°, an obtuse angle is more than 90° but less than 180°, and a reflex angle is more than 180° but less than a full turn of 360°. Students will engage with interactive activities, such as comparing angles and placing them in order of size, from the smallest to the largest. They will also be tasked with identifying different types of angles from given examples, understanding that all acute angles are smaller than a right angle, and all obtuse angles are larger. The lesson includes practical exercises where students cut out angles and arrange them, further reinforcing their understanding of the concept of angles and their comparative sizes.

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