Angles - PowerPoint

Year 4
Angles - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In this educational resource aimed at Year 3 students, the focus is on understanding the concept of angles within geometry and the properties of shapes. Angles are introduced as a measure of turn, quantified in degrees, symbolised by the "°" sign. The resource breaks down turns into fractions of a full turn, explaining that a right angle is a 90° turn, equivalent to a quarter turn. It then expands on this by demonstrating that a half turn is 180°, a three-quarter turn is 270°, and a full turn completes a circle at 360°. Students are shown how to identify and name angles based on their size, with a right angle being exactly 90°, an acute angle being less than 90°, an obtuse angle being more than 90° but less than 180°, and a reflex angle being more than 180° but less than 360°.

The teaching resource includes various visual aids and exercises to help students recognise and compare different angles. It encourages students to observe the degree of turn an arrow makes, from a quarter turn (right angle) to a full turn, and how multiple right angles combine to form larger angles. To reinforce learning, the resource provides worksheets with questions that prompt students to identify various types of angles, such as acute, obtuse, right, and reflex angles, and to understand how many degrees are in particular turns. By engaging with this material, students will learn to differentiate between angles and gain a foundational understanding of their geometric properties.

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