Tenths - PowerPoint

Year 3
Tenths - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In Year 3 maths, students embark on a journey to understand fractions, specifically tenths. The lesson begins with the fundamental concept that tenths are created when an object or number is divided into ten equal parts. To illustrate this, various shapes and items, such as rectangles and pizzas, are divided into ten segments to show how each segment represents one tenth of the whole. The lesson aims to clarify that a fraction, in general, is an equal part of a whole, using simple examples like dividing a circle into halves to build a foundation for understanding more complex fractions like tenths.

The teaching resources delve deeper into the concept of tenths by explaining how to write them as fractions. Students learn that the numerator, the top number of a fraction, indicates the number of equal parts we have, while the denominator, the bottom number, tells us into how many parts the whole is divided. This understanding is extended to fractions of numbers, with exercises that involve shading parts of shapes and completing number sequences to reinforce the concept of tenths. Additionally, the resources introduce decimal equivalents to tenths, demonstrating how to represent them on a place value chart and how to convert between fractions and decimal numbers, thereby enhancing students' numerical literacy.

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