Ordering Decimals - Worksheet

Year 4
Ordering Decimals - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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The 'Ordering Decimals Worksheet' series is a collection of mathematical exercises designed to help students understand and practice the concept of ordering decimal numbers. The first worksheet prompts students to interpret decimals from place value charts and arrange them in ascending order, which means from the smallest to the largest value. Another activity on the same worksheet challenges students to do the opposite, by writing the decimals in descending order, starting with the largest and moving to the smallest.

Subsequent worksheets offer a variety of tasks to reinforce the concept of decimal order. In 'Worksheet 2', students are given a list of decimal numbers to sequence in ascending order, which requires careful comparison of the decimal places. 'Worksheet 3' presents a similar task but asks for the numbers to be arranged in descending order. 'Worksheet 4' takes a different approach, where students must use the greater than (>) and less than (<) signs to compare pairs of decimals. Finally, 'Worksheet 5' includes a practical application, where students compare the heights of children and order them appropriately, as well as a critical thinking exercise where they must check a sequence of decimals for correct ascending order and identify any errors. These resources are designed to build proficiency in ordering decimals, an essential skill in mathematics.

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