Three Times Table Snap - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Three Times Table Snap - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Engaging Year 3 pupils in multiplication and division, 'Three Times Table Snap' is an interactive and educational PowerPoint game. It is designed to help children reinforce their understanding of the three times table through a fun and fast-paced matching activity. In this game, children are presented with various cards that display different representations of three times table calculations, such as numerical expressions, repeated addition, and descriptive phrases like 'lots of'. The objective is to quickly identify when two cards match and to shout 'SNAP' to win the cards. Children are encouraged to be alert and responsive, as they only have six seconds to react before the opportunity passes. This game not only aids in memorising the three times table but also develops quick thinking and sharpens reflexes.

In addition to the snap game, there is also a worksheet component that challenges students to identify whether statements related to the three times table are true or false. This further cements their understanding of multiplication facts within the three times table. The snap game and worksheet together offer a comprehensive approach to learning, combining both visual recognition and cognitive processing of multiplication facts. The resources are designed to be printed, cut out, and used interactively, making them ideal for group activities in the classroom where children can engage with the content and each other, fostering both mathematical proficiency and social skills.

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