Add and Subtract Numbers Mentally - PowerPoint

Year 3
Add and Subtract Numbers Mentally - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The PowerPoint presentation on 'Add and Subtract Numbers Mentally' is an engaging resource aimed at Year 3 students to enhance their skills in mental arithmetic, specifically in the areas of addition and subtraction. The presentation walks students through the concept of performing calculations in their minds without the use of paper. It includes a variety of interactive activities, such as adding 10 to numbers within a 100 square and being timed, to encourage quick thinking and reinforce number bonds to ten with visual aids. The slides also introduce the importance of place value in mental maths by breaking down numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones, which aids in understanding how to easily add or subtract ones, tens, and hundreds to or from three-digit numbers.

Further exercises within the presentation include adding and subtracting ones, tens, and hundreds from three-digit numbers, both with and without the use of a 100 square for visual support. These activities not only promote rapid calculation skills but also help to solidify students' understanding of numerical relationships and the structure of numbers. Additionally, word problems are provided to apply these mental maths skills in practical scenarios, such as calculating the total number of stickers a child has after collecting more, or determining the remaining distance in a journey. The presentation is designed to make learning maths fun and interactive, with opportunities for students to practice and improve their mental arithmetic fluency.

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