Place Value and Tenths - PowerPoint

Year 4
Place Value and Tenths - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Teaching resources for Year 4 maths focus on the concept of place value and tenths, specifically within the context of fractions and decimals. The materials include PowerPoint presentations and worksheets that guide students through understanding how to represent decimal numbers using place value grids. Each slide or worksheet prompts learners to identify the number of ones and tenths, translating these into decimal form. For example, a grid showing 0 ones and 3 tenths corresponds to the decimal number 0.3, while one with 0 ones and 5 tenths represents the decimal number 0.5. These resources help students visualise and grasp the relationship between place values and their decimal equivalents.

Further worksheets provide exercises where students must complete sentences to express the decimal numbers shown on place value grids. They practice adding the value of ones to the value of tenths to find the total decimal number. For instance, a grid with 2 ones and 3 tenths equals the decimal number 2.3. Additionally, students are tasked with determining the truth of statements regarding the decimal numbers represented by the grids, such as whether a grid represents 0.8 or not. To deepen their understanding, learners are also challenged to find the odd one out among a series of decimal numbers, reinforcing their knowledge of place value and the concept of tenths in decimal form.

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