10 More or Less - PowerPoint

Maths Resource Description
A dynamic PowerPoint resource is available for Year 3 students to enhance their understanding of number and place value, specifically focusing on identifying numbers that are 10 more or 10 less than a given number. The interactive slides present a series of numbers, and the challenge for the students is to quickly calculate either 10 more or 10 less than the numbers shown. This activity is designed to be fast-paced, giving students just 2 seconds to come up with the answer before the solution is revealed, ensuring that they are both engaged and challenged.
The resource provides a variety of examples, ranging from simple two-digit numbers to more complex four-digit numbers, accommodating a range of abilities and reinforcing the concept of place value. For instance, when presented with the number 86, students need to determine that the number 10 more is 96, while the number 10 less is 76. This exercise is repeated with other numbers, such as 37 (47 when 10 more, 27 when 10 less) and 914 (924 when 10 more, 904 when 10 less), to name a few. Through this interactive and quick-fire approach, students can practice mental arithmetic and enhance their number sense in an enjoyable and stimulating way.