Patterns and Sequences Geometry - Worksheet

Year 2
Patterns and Sequences Geometry - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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The "Patterns and Sequences Geometry" worksheet is designed to engage students with two different types of patterns: repeating and growing. In the "Repeating Patterns Worksheet" section, students are tasked with identifying the rule that governs the order of shapes in a sequence. The first example is provided as a model, where the rule is a cycle of a square, followed by a circle, and then a triangle. Students must then observe additional sequences of shapes to determine the underlying rules, filling in the blanks with their findings to demonstrate their understanding of repeating patterns.

Conversely, the "Growing Patterns Worksheet" shifts the focus to numerical sequences, where each step shows an increase based on a specific rule. The given example illustrates a pattern where each step increases by one carriage. Students are prompted to analyze further sequences to decipher the growth rule and complete the worksheet by noting down the rules they identify. Additionally, the worksheet includes practical exercises where students are asked to predict the next item in both shape and numerical sequences, circling the correct answer. Finally, a creative task invites students to cut out objects and shapes, create their own unique sequences, and paste them onto the worksheet, challenging their classmates to deduce the rule and continue the pattern, thereby reinforcing their grasp of sequences and the logic that drives them.

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