Direction and Movement - PowerPoint

Year 2
Direction and Movement - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Direction and Movement" PowerPoint is an educational resource aimed at Year 2 students, focusing on the basics of geometry, particularly position and direction. The lesson sets out to teach children how to describe movements and turns, using right angles as a reference point. The presentation encourages students to think about common terms associated with movement, such as forwards, backwards, up, down, left, and right. It also introduces the concepts of clockwise and anticlockwise movement, likening these to the direction in which clock hands turn. The PowerPoint includes interactive elements, such as short videos and quizzes, to help students identify whether movements are clockwise or anticlockwise.

Further into the presentation, children learn about angles and turns by observing how an arrow turns in relation to right angles. This visual representation helps them understand quarter turns, half turns, three-quarter turns, and whole turns, all illustrated with the arrow's movement. The practical aspect of the lesson involves students standing up and physically making turns to reinforce their understanding. Additionally, the PowerPoint includes a "Direction Worksheet" where students follow a sequence of instructions involving turns and movements to help a postman deliver a parcel. This activity not only solidifies their grasp of direction and movement but also incorporates problem-solving skills as they navigate through a virtual neighbourhood to find the correct house.

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