Recognising 2-D Shapes - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Recognising 2-D Shapes - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this educational resource, primary school students are introduced to the world of two-dimensional (2-D) shapes. The aim is to help children recognise and understand 2-D shapes, which are flat figures that can have either straight or curved sides. The lesson begins by posing the question of what a 2-D shape is and explaining its basic properties. Students are encouraged to observe and identify these shapes in various objects that surround them in everyday life.

The presentation delves into specific shapes, starting with the circle, which is defined by its single curved side. It highlights that circles can vary in size but retain their circular shape regardless. Next, the square is described as having four equal straight sides, and it is emphasised that a square remains a square no matter its orientation. The triangle, with its three straight sides, is noted for its ability to look different while still being recognisable as a triangle. Lastly, the rectangle is introduced with its four straight sides, and it's pointed out that rectangles also come in many sizes. The interactive part of the lesson involves students identifying these shapes within pictures, reinforcing their learning. The resource concludes with a worksheet where students are asked to name 2-D shapes and count their sides, consolidating their understanding of the topic.

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