Days of the Week - PowerPoint

Year 1
Days of the Week - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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An engaging PowerPoint presentation for Year 1 students focuses on the days of the week, aiming to enhance their writing and transcription skills. The resource introduces each day, starting from Monday and ending with Sunday, encouraging young learners to recognise and memorise the sequence. The lesson's objective is straightforward: to learn about the seven days that make up a week. Students are invited to participate by naming the days and understanding the concept of 'yesterday', 'today', and 'tomorrow'. They are also taught that each day begins with a capital letter because they are proper nouns, and this is a key point they are encouraged to remember when writing.

The interactive PowerPoint includes activities such as placing the days in the correct order, filling in missing days on train carriages, and completing worksheets that reinforce learning. One worksheet, for example, requires students to cut out and paste the days in the correct sequence, while another asks them to spell out the days after seeing and saying them aloud. A word search adds an element of fun to the lesson, challenging students to find all seven days hidden within a grid. The presentation and accompanying worksheets are designed to make learning the days of the week an enjoyable and educational experience for young students.

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