Money Problems - PowerPoint

Year 2
Money Problems - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this engaging collection of money problems tailored for Year 2 students, children are introduced to practical applications of their maths skills. The worksheets present a variety of scenarios where students must use coins to make purchases, such as buying a chocolate bar or a cupcake, and then determine the possible cost of these items. The exercises are designed to enhance their understanding of currency and develop their ability to perform simple calculations involving addition and subtraction. For example, students are asked to figure out the most and the least that bananas could have cost using two coins, or to calculate the change received from a transaction.

The resource also includes a set of two-step money word problems that require a bit more thought and arithmetic. These problems encourage students to follow a sequence of calculations to arrive at the final answer. For instance, they may need to add together the amount of money saved and then subtract the cost of an item to find out how much more money needs to be saved. Additionally, they could compare the cost of different items to determine how much more was spent on one item compared to another. These exercises not only test students' numerical skills but also help them to understand the value of money and the concept of budgeting in everyday situations.

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