Doubles - PowerPoint

Year 1
Doubles - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a collection of engaging maths teaching resources aimed at Year 1 pupils, the concept of doubling is introduced through a series of interactive PowerPoint slides and worksheets. The materials focus on the multiplication and division aspect of the number curriculum, specifically on teaching children how to double numbers. The exercises start with simple doubling of shapes, where students are encouraged to double the number of shapes on the slide and complete the corresponding number sentences. This visual approach helps to reinforce the concept of doubling in a practical and interactive way.

The worksheets are designed to further consolidate the students' understanding, prompting them to double the number of spots on ladybirds and match doubles. These activities not only teach the arithmetic of doubling but also offer a chance to practice writing and solving simple equations. For example, students are asked to complete sentences such as "Double 2 is ____" and "2 + 2 = ____", with the aim of demonstrating their ability to identify and calculate doubles. The resources also include practical word problems, where students must apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios, such as figuring out how many sweets or pencils someone has if they have double the amount of another person. This approach helps students to understand the practical applications of the maths skills they are learning.

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