Number Bonds - The Story of 8 - PowerPoint

Year 1
Number Bonds - The Story of 8 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Exploring the concept of number bonds, students are introduced to 'The Story of 8' – a focused mathematical journey to understand all the pairs of numbers that, when added together, equal eight. The lesson begins with a clear objective: to identify and learn the number bonds for the number eight. A number bond is defined as a pair of numbers that add up to make another number, for example, 3 plus 5 equals 8. This sum is one of the number bonds for the number eight, and the lesson aims to explore all the different combinations that result in this total.

Through a series of engaging slides, the students are presented with the various number bonds for eight, starting from 0 plus 8, and continuing through 1 plus 7, 2 plus 6, and so on, until reaching 8 plus 0. Each combination is a unique way to reach the sum of eight by adding two numbers. To reinforce this learning, the students are challenged with a worksheet where they complete the number bonds using visual aids like spots on ladybirds to assist with their calculations. Additionally, the lesson includes a 'Quick Fire Round', where students must rapidly identify the missing number in an addition sum that equals eight, helping to cement their understanding of number bonds in a fun and dynamic way.