Number Bonds - The Story of 6 - PowerPoint

Year 1
Number Bonds - The Story of 6 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In an engaging presentation aimed at primary school children, the concept of number bonds is introduced with a particular focus on the number 6. The educational material delves into what number bonds are, explaining them as pairs of numbers that, when added together, equal another number. For example, one of the number bonds for 6 is illustrated by the sum 4 + 2 = 6. This foundational maths concept is crucial for developing arithmetic skills and understanding the relationships between numbers.

The presentation, titled "The Story of 6", explores all the different combinations that can be added together to make 6. These number bonds are presented in a clear and systematic manner, showing sums such as 0 + 6 = 6, 1 + 5 = 6, all the way through to 6 + 0 = 6. To reinforce learning, the material includes a worksheet where students can complete the number bonds for 6, using visual aids like the spots on ladybirds to assist them. The session also incorporates a 'Quick Fire Round', challenging students to quickly identify the missing number in an addition sum before time runs out, adding a fun and interactive element to the learning process.

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