Tens and Ones Addition - PowerPoint

Year 2
Tens and Ones Addition - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The 'Tens and Ones Addition' resource is a comprehensive set of teaching materials aimed at Year 2 pupils, focusing on number and place value. It presents various activities and worksheets designed to help children understand the concept of addition by breaking down numbers into tens and ones. For instance, students are tasked with solving addition problems like 40 + 830 + 18 and 20 + 28, which are structured to reinforce their understanding of place value. The exercises include completing part-whole models and corresponding number sentences, offering a visual and interactive method to grasp how numbers can be partitioned and recombined to form totals.

Additionally, the resource provides practical examples to apply this knowledge, such as representing the total number of biscuits, pencils, or comics that two individuals have using part-whole models and number sentences. These examples connect the mathematical concept to real-world scenarios, making learning more relatable for the students. The resource also includes matching activities where students pair number sentences with the correct totals, further cementing their understanding of addition. To encourage critical thinking, the resource challenges students to identify and correct mistakes in given number sentences, such as Judy's error of combining numbers without adding, and to fill in missing numbers in a sequence, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

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