Addition and Subtraction are Opposites - PowerPoint

Year 1
Addition and Subtraction are Opposites - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a set of engaging PowerPoint slides, Year 1 students are introduced to the concept that addition and subtraction are mathematical opposites. The presentation begins with a relatable exercise where children identify opposites such as 'happy' and 'sad' or 'fast' and 'slow'. This sets the stage for understanding the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. The lesson then moves on to more concrete examples using numbers and everyday items like lollipops to illustrate how adding and then subtracting the same number brings you back to the starting point, demonstrating the idea that subtraction 'undoes' addition and vice versa.

The teaching resource continues to reinforce this concept through a series of questions and interactive exercises. Students are presented with simple addition and subtraction problems and are encouraged to see the connection between the two operations. For instance, if 5 plus 3 equals 8, then 8 minus 3 must equal 5. This understanding is further consolidated with a worksheet where children practice 'undoing' addition with subtraction, and vice versa, ensuring they grasp that by adding and then subtracting the same number, one always returns to the original amount. The lesson emphasises the importance of remembering this fundamental relationship between addition and subtraction as it forms a cornerstone of their mathematical learning journey.

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