Place Value Charts - Worksheet

Year 2
Place Value Charts - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Place value charts are a fundamental tool in mathematics education, used to teach students about the significance of the position of digits in numbers. These charts help children visualise and understand how each digit in a number has a different value depending on its place. A typical worksheet might ask students to identify numbers represented in such charts, reinforcing their grasp of the concept of place value. These charts are often accompanied by base ten blocks or place value counters, which are manipulatives that visually represent units, tens, hundreds, and so on, further aiding in the comprehension of the numerical value of digits in larger numbers.

Worksheets on place value might include a variety of exercises, such as representing numbers using base ten blocks and place value counters, writing numbers in words, and completing addition equations that emphasise the importance of correct digit placement. For instance, students could be asked to use base ten blocks to represent the numbers 11, 37, and 24, or to use place value counters to show the numbers 93, 65, and 9. Additionally, they may be tasked with verifying the accuracy of place value charts filled out by fictional characters and explaining any errors made. These activities not only solidify a student's understanding of place value but also develop their ability to communicate mathematical reasoning effectively.

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