Comparing Numbers - PowerPoint

Year 2
Comparing Numbers - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a series of engaging mathematics teaching resources tailored for Year 2 students, the concept of comparing numbers is introduced with a focus on the language and symbols of comparison. The objective of the resources is to enable students to confidently use terms such as 'greater than', 'less than', 'more than', and 'equal to', as well as the corresponding symbols '>', '<', and '='. The materials are designed to guide students through a variety of exercises where they complete statements by determining the relationship between two numbers, reinforcing their understanding of number and place value.

The resources include a variety of worksheets where students compare numbers in different formats, such as numerals, words, and sums. For example, they might be asked to decide whether 53 is more than, less than, or equal to 35, or to use the correct symbol to compare 12 and 15. Additional activities challenge students to match numbers to statements that describe numerical relationships, such as finding a number that is greater than 25 but less than 33, with a tens digit larger than the ones digit. Through these exercises, students develop their numerical reasoning skills and gain a deeper comprehension of the value of numbers in a fun and interactive way.

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